I have been several times to Rome, for travelling, for work... but, every time I come back to this city, I am amazed by how wonderful it is. This was the second time I came and I was with my dad. We did some classic visits in the city and we also went to Ostia Antica and Tivoli. Finally, we also stop in Bomarzo on the way back home.

2020 was a tough year: Covid-19 put to a rest all the travels around the world. However, I managed to still go for a nice travel of one week to the Marche Region. I never travelled much around Italy but, giving the circumstances, it seemed the better option. I organized to go with my friend Tommaso with a camper. It was an adventure under many point of views but we certainly had an amazing time!

When I used to say that I have never traveled southern than Naples, and, later, of Puglia, my Sicilian friends were giving me a disapproval look. It was then time to go and visit, even if for a long weekend only, this beautiful island. I went to Palermo and I managed to do many things. First of all, I had good food but I also saw beautiful churches, charming fountains and incredible palaces. On a sad note, there is much to do in terms of cleanliness, which, unfortunately, ruins a bit the charm. In any case, I really liked the city and I hope to visit it again in the future.